- amorphous structure
- аморфная структура
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
amorphous structure — amorfinė sandara statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. amorphous structure vok. amorphe Struktur, f; amorphische Struktur, f rus. аморфная структура, f pranc. structure amorphe, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Amorphous metal — Samples of amorphous metal, with millimeter scale An amorphous metal is a metallic material with a disordered atomic scale structure. In contrast to most metals, which are crystalline and therefore have a highly ordered arrangement of atoms,… … Wikipedia
structure amorphe — amorfinė sandara statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. amorphous structure vok. amorphe Struktur, f; amorphische Struktur, f rus. аморфная структура, f pranc. structure amorphe, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Amorphous solid — Amorphous redirects here. For amorphousness in computational systems, see amorphous computing. For amorphousness in science fiction, see amorphous creature. For amorphousness in set theory, see amorphous set. In condensed matter physics, an… … Wikipedia
Amorphous computing — refers to computational systems that use very large numbers of identical, parallel processors each having limited computational ability and local interactions. The term Amorphous Computing was coined at MIT in 1996 in a paper entitled [http://www … Wikipedia
Amorphous ice — is an amorphous solid form of water, meaning it consists of water molecules that are randomly arranged like the atoms of common glass. Everyday ice is a polycrystalline material. Amorphous ice is distinguished by its lack of long range order.… … Wikipedia
Amorphous carbon — is an allotrope of carbon that does not have any crystalline structure. As with all glassy materials, some short range order can be observed, but there is no long range pattern of atomic positions. Amorphous carbon is often abbreviated to aC for… … Wikipedia
Amorphous silicon — (a Si) is the non crystalline allotropic form of silicon. Silicon is a four fold coordinated atom that is normally tetrahedrally bonded to four neighboring silicon atoms. In crystalline silicon this tetrahedral structure is continued over a large … Wikipedia
Amorphous carbonia — Amorphous carbonia, also called a carbonia or a CO2, is an exotic amorphous solid form of carbon dioxide that is analogous to amorphous silica glass. It was first made in the laboratory in 2006 by subjecting dry ice to high pressures (40 50… … Wikipedia
amorphous — [ə môr′fəs] adj. [ModL amorphus < Gr amorphos < a , without + morphē, form] 1. without definite form; shapeless 2. of no definite type; anomalous 3. unorganized; vague 4. Biol. without definite or specialized structure, as some lower forms… … English World dictionary
amorphous solid — ▪ physics Introduction any noncrystalline solid in which the atoms and molecules are not organized in a definite lattice pattern. Such solids include glass, plastic, and gel. Solids and liquids (liquid) are both forms of condensed… … Universalium